Jen just finished an independent feature length film called “Tragic Fairytales” produced by Dream American Pictures, a gritty romantic tragedy about urban crime drama. Jen played opposite of the very talented “Diogo Morgado”. She plays the character of “Helena Troy” and is described as one the lead character “Tonio’s” main temptresses.
Jen has high hopes this film will make it into several film festivals, everyone in this project “blew her away” and she anxiously awaits the films premiere.
Jen just filmed a guest staring role on the hit HBO Canadian show “Good Dog”. Jen plays the comedic role of Jianne Voight, a young woman that is the host of a four person discussion show. Jen’s character is described as Upbeat, perky, with the I.Q. of a Pet Rock, Jianne leads the group in a spirited discussion of meaningless current non-events. Jen loves comedy and had a blast on set, she was director by the very talented and funny Ken Finkleman.
Jen will be moving from NYC to LA next month. Jen is thankful for all the work and training she received in NYC and is excited to tackle Hollywood.